Aminex is an organic plant growth promoter containing twenty types of L-amino acids, Organic nitrogen, carbohydrates and trace elements derived from vegetable and cereal proteins by protein hydrolysis. Aminex is used in all crops for foliar application and in drip irrigation. Aminex can be used along with micro-nutrients and pesticides.
Aminex helps to increase the photosynthesis process and boosts the vegetative growth of the plant. It plays an important role in inducing early flowering and fruiting, it also reduces the flower & Fruit drop. Aminex act as a chelating agent when it applied along with plant nutrients. It helps to increase crop quality and yield by boosting the overall growth and development of the plant. Aminex supports plant resistance and rapid recovery from stress conditions.
Available in 5 litres, 1 litre, 500 ml, 250 ml and 100 ml pack
Foliar application: Spray 2 to 3 ml of Aminex per litre of water, 2-3 times in a crops cycle at critical stages viz. Vegetative, Flowering and Fruiting.
Drip Irrigation: 500ml of Aminex 3 times through drip irrigation at Vegetative, Flowering and Fruiting stages. For all crops like Cotton, Ginger, Turmeric, Onion, Potato, Pluses & Fruit crops.
Huminex-G is advanced soil health granules, specially designed for soil amendment and better yields of agricultural crop. Granules are based on free-flowing shinning balls production technology. Huminex-G contains 1.5% high-quality Humic substances in the form of organic Humic and Fulvic acid, coated on bentonite clay granules.
Huminex-G increases water holding capacity and porosity (aeration) of the soil. It acts as pH balancer and chelating agent which enhances nutrient availability and its uptake. It also helps in improving the growth of beneficial soil microbes. Huminex-G helps in enhancing the metabolic processes of the plants which boost overall growth and development. It gives strength to the plants to withstand stress conditions. Huminex-G helps in better quality produce and maximum yield of the crops by maintaining better soil health.
Available in 5 Kg Pouch & 10 Kg Bucket.
Soil application of 5 to 6 Kgs of Huminex-G per acre along with any other manures or fertilizers as a basal dose or in top dressing. Apply two times a year in long durational crops for better results. For all crops like Cotton, Ginger, Turmeric, Onion, Potato, Sugarcane & Fruit crops.
Gronex Seed Germinator is a unique combination of protein hydrolyzed Amino Acids, carbohydrates, trace nutrients and free amino nitrogen. The liquid is used to treat the seeds to boost the germination in Soybean, Bengal gram, Cotton, Maize and other pulses.
Gronex helps to increase the seed germination percent. It induces early germination. Helps to increase the Shoot & Root length. Gronex seed treatment gives strength to roots to establish a healthy plant. It helps to boosts the overall growth and development of the crop. Also enhances the immunity of the crop to sustain in stress condition.
Available in 250 ml pack
How to Use: Take a required quantity of seeds on polythene sheet or in the plastic tray. Sprinkle Seed Germinator liquid directly on the seeds. For uniform coating of seeds, rub or roll the seeds by using both hands, mix it properly. Allow the seeds to get dry in shade. Use seeds withing 12 hrs for Sowing. Dosage: For Soybean, Tur, Bengal gram & Urd : 7-8 ml per Kgs of Seeds. For Cotton: 15ml per packet of Cotton. For Maize, Wheat & Rice: 10ml per Kgs of Seeds.
Huminex- 98% WSP is organic Potassium Humate Flakes, made from natural high-grade Leonardite. With assured K2O of 10%, high solubility grade, it can be used for fertigation and foliar spray. It is applied in agricultural field crops and horticultural plants.
Huminex- 98% WSP helps to improve the soil structure, neutralize the soil pH and improve the Carbon content in the soil. It also boosts the water holding capacity of the soil & Cation Exchange which will help to increase fertiliser use efficiency. Huminex- 98% WSP provides a home to the soil beneficial microflora. It acts as a chelating agent help to boost nutrient uptake. It stimulates seed germination and plant growth. Helps in better root development. Humic acid help to develop a better-quality seed for the next crop. It also increases yield and improves the quality of the produce.
Available in 500 g & 1 Kg Pouch.
Foliar application: Spray 2 g of Huminex -98% WSP per litre of water, 2 times in a crops cycle at critical stages viz. Vegetative, Flowering and Fruiting.
Drip Irrigation: 500g of Huminex -98% WSP 3 times through drip irrigation at Vegetative,
Flowering and Fruiting stages. For all crops like Cotton, Ginger, Turmeric, Onion, Potato & Fruit
Gluconex-GR is an organic nutritional product for soil application. It contains Amino acids, essential trace minerals and enriched with plant growth substances e.g. Humic acid, Seaweed extract, etc coated on carrier bentonite granules.
Gluconex-GR soil application gives better root development and crop vigor. It helps to increase the carbon content of the soil. Gluconex-GR is the best tillering booster in Crops like Paddy, Sugarcane & Millets. It helps to improve soil health and drought tolerance ability of crop plants. It also advances crop maturity, which ultimately results in higher yields. It gives better keeping quality of the produce.
Available in 5 Kg Pouch
Dosage: 6- 8kgs/acre for Potato, Sugarcane, Ginger, Turmeric, Pineapple, etc. 4-6 Kgs/acre in all other crops
Stages of Application: Gluconex-GR to be applied during early growth stages preferably within 35 days after sowing (or planting) or at the time of first irrigation.
Recommended Crops: All crops including cereals (Paddy, Wheat, etc.), Oilseeds, Pulses, Sugarcane, Cotton, Potato, Onion, Garlic, Cumin, Ginger, Turmeric, All Vegetables, Fruits and Plantation crops.
SILCONEX is a Silicon-based non-ionic Super Wetting And Spreading Agent with good rain-fastness and fast absorption rate. The clear solution is easily soluble and compatible with all plant growth promoters, regulators, herbicides, Insecticides, fungicides and acaricides.
SILCONEX reduces the surface tension of water thus helping in the spreading of spray molecules and also better absorption by the Crop leaves. It also helps uniform, better & fast spread of spray solution on the leaf surface resulting in better use efficiency of the active ingredients involved.
Available in 50ml, 100ml, 250ml and 500ml pack
Dosage: 5 ml per 15 litre tank mix
Content : Polymerized Siloxane 100%
Usage: Give a slight push at the center of the bottle. Fill up to marking 2.5 ml or 5 ml as per requirement. On release, the adequate amount will come on the top of the bottle. Pour this amount into spraying liquid.